First: sign up to TeamApp (steps 1-7) , Second: request to join Lt Aths Nuna (steps 8-13).
1. goto 2. select ‘Log In’ or ‘Sign Up’ , at top right corner.
3. select one of the “continue with … “ options presented.
4. (for email) enter email address you wish to use, then continue
5. first time user, enter password + confirm, then continue
6. (for email) message with a link will be sent for address verification
7. (for email) click link and follow prompts – some data input required
8. select “Find Your Team/Club”
9. enter “little athletics nunawading” and press the search icon (magnifying glass)
10. select the search result “little athletics nunawading”.
11. select: ‘ + Join ‘ , now need to request to join Little Athletics Nunawading on TeamApp
12. select: ‘Players & Officials’ and input some information & tick ‘agree’ box
13. notification of approval will be sent to your nominated contact details (eg via email) .